Visual Studio Code is one of the best and famous code editors available in the market. Microsoft has developed this cross-platform code editor which is based on Atom Text editor; another favorite Linux text editor. As I have said, it’s a multi-platform code editor that runs on Linux, Windows, macOS, etc. VSCode offers a well-integrated plugin ecosystem with thousands of ready-made plugins available. As it’s based on Atom, so it comes with some preinstalled default plugins also.

VS Code editor is much faster without any real lags using Electron, Node, and HTML/CSS. It offers a few unique features like a debugging system, IntelliSense type ahead completion, and Git integration which makes it stand apart from others. Visual Studio Code is a fully packed development editor that supports a wide range of programming languages and platforms like C or C# to the latest modern platform and programming languages like Node.js and Go.

Personally, I don’t like the Microsoft product as this company has not done anything better for the open source platform. But in the case of VS code development, MS has shown a significant contribution to the developer. Moreover, now the company has GitHub in his pocket which is the most popular open source software development platform.

The Key Highlights in VS Code 1.26

  • Breadcrumbs – Breadcrumb navigation lets you jump to symbols and files in your workspace.
  • Quick Fixes from Problems panel – Apply code fixes while reviewing warnings and errors.
  • User setup on Windows – Elevation no longer required during Windows setup.
  • Terminal column selection – Alt+click to select blocks of text in the integrated terminal.
  • Add all missing imports – Single action to add all missing imports in a JavaScript/TypeScript file.
  • JSX tag completion – Work with JSX tags in JavaScript/TypeScript just like you do in HTML.
  • Better JS/TS error reporting – Concise, clear messages with relevant source code links.
  • Improved extension search – Filter Marketplace queries to find the extensions you want.
  • Extension Pack management – Manage Extension Packs as a single unit or by individual extension.
  • Preview: Settings editor – Rich settings description display, “Table of Contents” tracks scrolling.

To install Visual Studio on your system follow our Installation Guide.