Estimated reading time: 1 min

Start the installation process by first Downloading the files from Softmaker website.

Installation on Ubuntu and Linux Mint

On Ubuntu, you should install SoftMaker Office using the command line.

Open a shell or terminal window and enter these commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -f ./softmaker-office-2021_1024-01_amd64.deb

Note: If the .deb file is not stored in the current folder, replace ./ with the path to its folder.

Setting up automatic updates on Ubuntu

SoftMaker Office 2021 can be updated from this DEB repository:

You can configure your system to use this repository by first installing SoftMaker Office as described above, then opening a shell or terminal window and entering this command:

sudo /usr/share/office2021/

If you have set up automatic updates on your system, Linux will then keep SoftMaker Office 2021 up-to-date automatically.

If you do not use automatic updates on your system, entering these commands will update SoftMaker Office 2021 to the latest available revision:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

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