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Installing Insync on Ubuntu is a very simple process. First you have to download the .deb file from Insync website.

Once you click on Download you will be presented with an option Screen. Pick the version of the Ubuntu you are running as well and click on Download.

Note*: On the next screen, you should opt for saving the file to the computer instead of opening it in the software center for installation. If you don’t do that and there were some issues with the software center, you’ll have to download the deb file again. It’s better to download and save the file itself.

This will open a file folder to the location that you would like to save the .deb file. Click on Save button and the download will start.

Your downloaded deb file should be in the Downloads folder. Installing deb files is super easy. Go to this folder and double click on the deb file. You can think of these deb files as those exe files in Windows.

Right Click on the Insync .deb file and click install with Software install

This will open Ubuntu Software Center and you can click on Install to install insync.

Once Installed you can launch Insync from the menu.

File manager integration

1. Run the command: sudo apt-get install insync-[file manager], depending on what you use.

For example,

sudo apt-get install insync-nautilus

NOTE: Insync 3 is still working on its Dolphin and Thunar integrations

Install from Commandline:

You can also install Insync from PPA. To install from Commandline open terminal via menu or via keys CLT+ALT+T.

First, add our public GPG key to allow apt to authenticate the Insync repository:

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys ACCAF35C

If the previous command did not work, use this instead:

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys ACCAF35C

Create a file:


with the following content:

deb[DISTRIBUTION] [CODENAME] non-free contribReplace [DISTRIBUTION] with your Linux distro: ubuntudebianmint
Replace [CODENAME] with your Linux distro codename.

Here is a list of codenames for ubuntudebian, and mint For example Ubuntu 12.04 is precise

Here is an example for Ubuntu 17.10:deb artful non-free contrib(Source packages are not available, only binaries.)

Update the apt repository:

$ sudo apt-get update

Install Insync

$ sudo apt-get install insync

File manager integration will be added when Insync is run.

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