Estimated reading time: 1 min

There are a number of ways to install Kdenlive on Ubuntu systems. The simplest way is via Ubuntu Software Center. Just Open Ubuntu Software Center and do a search on Kdenlive and follow the install process.

Install via SNAP

You can also install Kdenlive via Snap application. to install via snap open the terminal application by pushing CLT+ALT+T and typing

sudo snap install kdenlive

Install via PPA

Open ‘terminal’ from your system application menu, and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kdenlive/kdenlive-stable

Type your password when it asks (no asterisk feedback) and hit Enter to continue.

Next type

sudo apt update

To update the repositories. Then simply run the command in the terminal to install the video editor:

sudo apt install kdenlive

NOTE for non-KDE users, Kdenlive will be installed along with a large list of KDE libraries.

App Image Non-install

There is also non-install 64-bit .appimage package is available in

Note*: Make sure you go to the bottom of the page for the latest version

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